Cornwall Community Cats
Cornwall Community Cats is actively looking for volunteers interested in participating in our Trap Neuter Return program! If a feral/community cat survives kittenhood, its lifespan is less than two years living on its own, and a few more years if living in a colony. Many will suffer from diseases or other ailments, animal attacks, or will be hit by cars. Any support given to these programs helps to reduce the number of these colonies, which also reduces the burden on shelters and increases the chances that an animal at a shelter will finds its forever home.
Our volunteers help to identify cat colonies, catch the unfixed animals, provide them with spay/neuter services and vaccinations, and shelter them until they are able to be returned to their colony. We also help to find homes for adoptable cats and kittens.
Please fill out the form below or contact us via our Facebook if you would like more information on how you can volunteer!

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to volunteer today!